A Mothers' Day at Herrontown Woods

Mothers' Day, on May 14, coincided with our regular Sunday workday at Herrontown Woods. It was a day of beauty and serendipity as we mixed weeding with socializing with families out for a walk in the gorgeous weather.

This boy found a 4 leaf clover in the field next to Veblen House. Some people just have the knack. And while I chatted with his parents, he found lots of cool rocks, too. His parents told me he was already up for two hour long nature walks at the age of two. Looks like we have a budding naturalist here.
New volunteer, Kalyan, who has been helping pull up garlic mustard across the stream from the Barden, came across a box turtle in the area where we've been subduing a giant clone of wisteria.

Hard to capture in a photo, but it was a pleasure to gaze across this newly created vista: a valley coated with skunk cabbage and ferns, now relieved of privet and other invasive shrubs by volunteer Bill Jemas and other members of our Invasive Species of the Month Club, led by FOHW board member Inge Regan.

There were flowers large and small. The fragrant snowbell (Styrax obassia) 
was in full bloom behind the Veblen House. 
A tulip tree flower on the ground caused us to look up at all the others blooming high up.
Tiny blue flowers near the ground are called blue-eyed grass (Sisyrhinchium), 
though their flat stems show they are really related to irises, not grass.

The pagoda dogwoods we planted in the Barden are now big enough to bloom.
One of the pleasant tasks for the day was digging up volunteer native plants that have sprouted in the paths of the Barden. We can clear the paths while gaining a new plant to put elsewhere. Environmentalists love win-wins.

Still working on the installation of this little pond, but it's already attracting frogs. A vernal pool naturally formed by a fallen tree nearby was full of tadpoles and salamander larvae.
A new feature in the Barden, and also next to the Veblen Cottage, are arrow trees that tell of significant places associated with the Veblens' lives and legacy. 

So much to enjoy and be grateful for on a Mothers' Day in May.


Veblen Birthday Bash on Saturday, June 24, 4-8


A Misty, Moisty Morning at Herrontown Woods