Yoga and Habitat Next to Veblen House
This tiny frog made a surprise appearance on the grounds of Veblen House just as Gemma's Gratitude Yoga class was about to begin. Gemma's weekly classes, meeting Saturdays at 11am, are the perfect example of how we seek to set the stage at Herrontown Woods for good things to happen, whether it be for people or for frogs, which you have to think would be great at yoga if they gave it a try.
Gemma's classes are "donation-based", meaning they are free, with all donations generously going to benefit the Friends of Herrontown Woods.
The yoga classes add a spiritual dimension to weeding in the various gardens around Veblen House, as Gemma's voice wafts over the grounds, reciting a progression of positions for participants to take. The energy of the yoga sessions is very positive, and in a way, the weeding of a garden seeks to direct nature's energy towards more positive ends. Pulling the weedy plants like stiltgrass acquires more meaning if there are desired plants like boneset, Hibiscus and buttonbush that get liberated in the process and are given a better chance to grow.
A green-headed coneflower blooming in front of a birdhouse that a girl scout troop made—it's all positive, nurturing, like a yoga class.
Hanging out among the wildflowers has other benefits, like witnessing a clearwing moth close up, sipping nectar from this golfball-like congregation of buttonbush flowers, and some other dainty pollinator that lacks a name. The creature was so insubstantial that it came as a surprise to see it cast a shadow.
Clearwing moth
In the bottom photo, it can be fun to look for the three insects, two of which are casting shadows.